Super mini biztonsági kamera verhetetlen áron.
kamera, tápegység
Image Sensor =1/4" Sony Super HAD CCD – I cannot confirm the validity of this. Compared to other cams I have worked with, the image quality seems to be about right. There is nothing obvious in the image quality that identifies this as being false.
Shutter = 1/50(1/60)s - 1/10, 000s – I can only assume this to be correct.
Min. Illumination = Colour: 0. 1Lux@(F1. 2, AGC ON) – I have to admit that the TOP-201 works very well with low-level illumination. This cam has NO IR capability, so is obviously suited towards specific situations where that is not a requirement. However, in a very dimly lit room, the TOP-201’ s image remains clear, doesn’ t suffer increased noise, is well contrasted and keeps fairly vivid colour. This is also a good indication of the image sensor being at the quality of the Sony SHAD CCD.
Image Setting = Brightness and contrast adjustable via web browser and client – The OEM software and browser client both allow for various aspects of the image to be further optimized to your specific conditions. There are actually many image settings to tune, providing more flexibility than many other standard model IP cams. This is largely responsible to the choice of firmware/software chosen by the manufacturer. The cam uses a common DVR software, simply branded ‘ H. 264 DVR’ and many people who have worked with various DVR’ s will have likely come across this software. Various functions that cannot be supported by the TOP-201 are simply greyed out and unavailable to configure.
Max. Image Resolution = 1280*720 (720P) – The Image 720P, when scaled up to 1280, it is not as crisp. As you can see from the recording taken from the stream, the image quality is decent.
Frame Rate = 50Hz: 25fps (1280*720); 60Hz: 30fps (1280*720) – In my live streams, I have 2x Foscam’ s running at 2Mp, on average 10fps and at a bit rate of 160kBs. The TOP-201 is averaging 12fps and average bit rate of 60kBs. This equates to about 50% and correctly indicates that stated 1Mp. Without accounting for any up-scaling of the image which I suspect may have been done to talk up the cam’ s specs a bit.
Jelenlegi ára: 7 999 Ft
Az aukció vége: 2017-04-10 16:24 .
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